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Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Accelerate Smart Governance with Nutanix Cloud Platform

Private cloud experience for over 500 municipalities to achieve better data governance, security and resilience




  • Large-scale datacenter consolidation from 542 municipalities conducted without service disruptions.
  • 99% of its target municipalities have implemented their regional government information system, Sistem Informasi Pemerintahan Daerah (SIPD) into their governance system in less than a year.
  • Substantially increased operational efficiency by at least 2x, while achieving at least 40% in cost savings through the activation of the CALM feature automation feature
  • Achieved compliance with high security and resiliency on a central platform, with zero downtime for critical e-gov workloads.
  • Streamlined processes and enhanced reliability of systems.
  • Simplified IT management and reduced rack space and power consumption by 10x.


Nutanix Cloud Platform

  • AHV Hypervisor
  • Prism Pro
  • Calm
  • 20 nodes


  • Regional Governance Information System - Sistem Informasi Pemerintahan Daerah (SIPD)
  • E-database, E-planning, E-monev and E-reporting (custom-built)
  • Regional Development Information (custom-built)
  • Regional Financial Information (custom-built)
  • Local Government Information (custom-built)

President Joko Widodo of Indonesia has issued a Presidential Instruction to prevent and curb corruption together with a One Data Indonesia regulation for an integrated data-management service across Indonesia’s government agency, to accelerate a smarter government service.

Today, Ministry of Home Affairs has deployed their regional governance information system, Sistem Informasi Pemerintahan Daerah (SIPD) on Nutanix for 542 municipalities across Indonesia, and has increased their system agility, resiliency, and performance. In addition, the Ministry was able to onboard 99% of their target provinces in less than a year.

“Data governance is very important for us and there is a real opportunity for us to use data to make smarter policy decisions. It is certain that the transparency of public information will increase public trust. Since moving to Nutanix, it is easier for stakeholders (such as the central government, local government as well as Ministries and Institutions) to retrieve data quickly and accurately.”

With the Nutanix platform at the heart of our IT infrastructure, we now have the scalability, high- performance platform and capabilities to execute larger workflows systematically. Also, the agility and the flexibility of the technology is what we found the most outstanding. This combination will increase the quality of public service with the aim of increasing economic growth.

— Asmawa Tosepu, Head of Data and Information Center, Ministry of Home Affairs, Republic of Indonesia


Eliminating silos and embracing a central platform

The previous environment was in a silo and was quite complex to harmonize with tons of schemas and metadata. Furthermore, it has its own standardisation of code references causing lack of transparency as well as being unable to scale effectively.

Maintaining 542 municipalities (34 provinces, 415 regencies and 93 cities) across Indonesia with the lack of scalability is no small feat. The IT team struggled to handle data integration, maintain high uptime and quality of public service. The Ministry Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia urged its agencies to ensure data interoperability, and scalable cloud solutions to facilitate the integration of planning, budgeting, and reporting at all levels of local governments.

“We are only at the beginning of our journey with Nutanix, and we are excited to watch new benefits emerge. By giving us greater control over our private cloud infrastructure, Nutanix is helping us fulfil our central mission: implement e-governance on curbing corruption in provincial governments in Indonesia and provide better service to the best of our ability.” said Tosepu.


When the Ministry of Home Affairs began its journey with the Nutanix cloud platform, it was an early adopter of the technology. Today, 90% of the infrastructure migrated to Nutanix’s 20-node cluster offering extraordinary digital transformation.

“By adopting Nutanix HCI we can solve a lot of problems which we previously thought could not be done. We have integrated our online system between central and local for budgeting, procurement, purchasing and auditing. Now we have data standardization and high interoperability between the regions. We’ve significantly streamlined our reporting and budgeting processes with this new approach. And with a highly detailed view of the needs of each government agency’s respective regional budgets, Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD), we see improvements in government accountability as well as better decision-making for us,” Tosepu said.


Good government, built on good data governance

The Ministry of Home Affairs knew that it needed a platform that could handle every aspect of big data collection and management to increase performance and support the One Data Indonesia. It also needs to leverage effective big data technology to analyse the growing volume, velocity, and variety of data for the greatest insights to all municipalities.

Nutanix Cloud Platform helped the team deliver turnkey storage, compute, and virtualization services for any application. The solution offers the ministry the insights it needs to ensure zero downtime for critical e-gov workloads: support compliance with data protection regulations without disruption. Equipped with centralized control over IT services, the Ministry of Home Affairs has already achieved considerable cost savings, with more to come.

“In September 2020, the SIPD needs to be executed according to the Minister of Home Affairs’ decree. At the start of the project, we have projected that the implementation will take longer. However, with Nutanix we have successfully rolled-out the system in less than 12 months from start of application development to full scale deployment.

Improved performance and data accuracy

With Nutanix supporting the core database engine, the Ministry of Home Affairs has overcome the challenges of peaks in data management or any part of the day for that matter. “We are really proud of that”, says Tosepu. “Database performance is at least 50 per cent better and easily scales up by node should the need arise.”

Substantially increased operational efficiency by at least 2x, while achieving at least 40% in cost savings

Today, Nutanix is an integral part of the Ministry Home Affairs’ strategic IT blueprint. With the implementation, they can manage system response time peaks with ease. The main advantage of the Nutanix migration is an enormous gain in management efficiency and productivity. In all, Nutanix has helped the team reap operational cost-savings by around 40 percent.

Nutanix Prism centralized management was a crucial factor in making workflows easier for the IT team. “Nutanix accelerated SIPD end-to-end workloads by at least 2x faster, unlocking huge-time savings for our team. Allowing them to focus more on business-critical matters, rather than being occupied with the mundane day to day maintenance.” Tosepu said.

Excellent Support Team

“The relationship between Minister Home Affairs and the Nutanix team has been really crucial for the successful implementation of our SIPD project,” says Tosepu. “Even in the face of considerable external pressures, the team helped us achieve an incredible result. I am very pleased that both agencies have managed this as a strategic partnership”


Tosepu says, “Looking ahead, I really hope that this digital transformation project can become an example that can be used by many institutions, especially the government institutes in Indonesia. We look forward to building a long-term relationship with Nutanix and collaborating with them on our digital transformation journey. In the future, we would like to extend this path into cloud cognitive and solve some of our big data problems. We are very keen to learn and share our knowledge with other government organizations in Indonesia.”