
Build a Sustainable IT Strategy

I.T. has the potential to make significant impacts for sustainability efforts by modernizing infrastructure to address environmental, energy, and economic demands. Learn about the different factors that can influence the environmental impact of IT systems using Nutanix solutions.

Explore the Carbon and Power Estimator

Increasing importance of sustainability

Enterprise Cloud Index Survey Findings


“Respondents agree with the statement that: sustainability is more important to my organization than it was a year ago”


“Acknowledge that meeting corporate sustainability goals is a challenge”


“Describe meeting corporate sustainability goals as a “significant” challenge”

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Nutanix is trusted by 25,000+ customers

Organic Valley modernized their IT Infrastructure to improve sustainability.

Organic Valley logo

Organic Valley shares how they cut their physical footprint by more than half, leading to reduced power usage, and substantial savings in cooling requirements.

“The IT department has greatly contributed to reducing power consumption with new, more efficient, virtualizable machines and with the centralization of services in the public cloud in order to use only the resources that are needed, which translates into efficiency and reduced carbon emissions"

- Francisco Javier Mollá, I&O Global Manager of Service Delivery for EMEA at Holcim Group

Enhanced sustainability by:

  • Reduced the IT footprint in the data center by 90%
  • Reduced energy usage by 30-40%

"Our previous three-tier system consisted of about ten racks of compute equipment, and we have been able to reduce that to a quarter rack. Our power expenses have come down about 70%, which is working out to tens of thousands of dollars—and 24,000 kg of CO2 emissions—saved per year.”

- Simon Sowerby, Technical Services Coordinator, City of Unley

Featured resources

Nutanix’s Environmental, Social, and Governance Report

Learn more about Corporate Social Responsibility at Nutanix and download our latest ESG report.

Digging into the Data Center

Understanding efficiency, power consumption, PUE and impact of data center platform modernization.

The Forecast Article: IT Sustainability Becomes Business Imperative

Read about how as more businesses report environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices, IT leaders are looking for sustainable IT operations.

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