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Nutanix Cloud Platform for Business-Critical Applications and Databases

Modern Infrastructure Designed for an App-Driven World


Digital transformation has enabled enterprises to become app development factories. Industry analysts predict that 67% of enterprises will release app code daily by 2025 and more than 750 million new apps will be delivered to the market by 2026.

With accelerated digital initiatives and an increasingly app-driven world, organizations are reassessing their infrastructure options — and considering hybrid multicloud environments — before deploying current and future apps and databases.

IT decision-makers require a hybrid multicloud infrastructure that: 

  • Delivers consistent performance in app and database responsiveness 
  • Minimizes unplanned downtime 
  • Integrates full-stack security to quickly detect and mitigate security threats 
  • Scales rapidly and linearly as business needs, performance demands and data grow
  • Reduces operating costs by simplifying management and improving efficiency

With Nutanix, we have an infrastructure that just works. It’s great to hear that upgrading the systems and all the non-glamorous tasks we must do can be accomplished with just the click of a button in the Nutanix world.

Dan Morrison
Director of Infrastructure and Operations, Penn National Insurance

Nutanix Cloud Platform (NCP) is the ideal solution for business-critical apps and databases in hybrid multicloud environments. It provides consistent performance that satisfies end users, enhanced availability, stronger full-stack security, and enables greater agility to meet dynamic business needs — all while reducing operating costs and management complexity. 

NCP automates system operations, proactively alerts and responds to issues, delivers non-disruptive upgrades, and dynamically allocates resources on-demand to help reduce IT staff maintenance cycles. 

Nutanix makes life easier by giving you a single management pane to increase efficiency in day-to-day operations and free up your staff’s nights and weekends. NCP consolidates compute, storage and networking into software-defined pools that remove silos and deliver block, file and object storage in one unified platform.

Ideal for Demanding Business-Critical Apps and Databases

NCP allows organizations to run business-critical apps and databases with the consistent performance and dynamic scalability required by current and future demands. Converge disparate apps and databases under a single platform and easily manage and automate tedious, manual operations. This enables IT staff to focus on higher-value activities. In addition, the resilient NCP can prevent unplanned downtime by as much as 97% with its integrated data protection capabilities, including snapshots, automated failover and flexible replication options.

Figure 1. Nutanix Cloud Platform: One Platform for Hybrid Multicloud

NCP is the only solution of its kind that allows you to deploy legacy and modern business apps and databases anywhere — on-premises, in the cloud and at the edge. Join thousands of leading organizations that rely on NCP to run and scale their business-critical apps and databases today and well into the future. 

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