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Simplify Database Delivery and Enable DBaaS with Wipro Digital Database Services Powered by Nutanix

April 29, 2020 | min

Data volumes are growing exponentially year-over-year. Experts believe that 90% of the world’s data was created in just the last two years. It’s clear that the way we generate and consume data has changed, and—given the fast pace of modern business—traditional approaches to database management are failing to meet growing enterprise demands. Your IT operations may already be facing significant database-related challenges including:

  • Growing complexity. Teams spend too much time managing and troubleshooting legacy databases, leaving little time for optimization, innovation, or growing your business.
  • Poor performance and scaling. Existing database deployment models suffer from slow provisioning and poor scalability—and require constant tuning to achieve adequate performance.
  • Inadequate data security. Databases are the workhorses of many business systems, often storing sensitive customer and business data. Lately there has been an understandable focus on data security. A data breach typically costs a company millions of dollars—not to mention a hard-to-quantify loss of reputation and goodwill.
  • High costs. IT is under pressure from executive management to reduce costs. The problem is that costs keep going up, to the point where 3/4 of the database management budget is spent on labor—not on transformative technologies.
  • Lack of agility. Even more important, a lack of agility makes it difficult to keep up with rapidly evolving business needs and digital transformation demands. Costly infrastructure, slow provisioning, and heavyweight management processes are slowing your teams down at a time when they need to go faster than ever before.

To address these challenges and gain a greater business focus, many enterprises are turning to database-as-a-service (DBaaS), offloading the complexity of database management and enabling IT, DBA, and development teams to focus on innovation.

Enterprise Database Challenges

Nutanix has been making significant investments to help customers of all sizes streamline database operations and other critical services without giving up security and control. We are pleased to partner with Wipro for Wipro Digital Database Services (Wipro DDS).

Introducing Wipro DDS, Powered by Nutanix 

Wipro DDS is an innovative DBaaS solution that helps empowers your teams to provision and manage databases just-in-time, without requiring in-depth knowledge of hardware, database software, or best practices. The synergy between Nutanix technology and Wipro’s proven operational strengths results in a formidable solution.

The solution is built using the capabilities of Nutanix platform, Era, Wipro’s Boundaryless Enterprise (BLE™) service broker, Wipro ASPIRE™ and Service Theatre™. Key capabilities include hybrid cloud orchestration, enabling “design once, run anywhere” services which are a critical feature of this Database-as-a-Service offering.

By combining the flexibility of the cloud with on-premises privacy and security, DDS accelerates application releases and allows everyone to spend more time on strategic initiatives. The service incorporates best practices, automation, and standardization to simplify and accelerate database transitions, including deployment, monitoring, and management, while enabling chargeback and showback to keep business and development teams accountable. Database workloads are consolidated onto a shared infrastructure, eliminating database sprawl.

With proven scale in excess of 150,000 database instances, Wipro DDS is ideally suited for medium to large enterprise database needs. Wipro’s flexible deployment model can encompass on-premises and remote locations, deployment in Wipro datacenters, public cloud, and hybrid cloud options. On-premises deployments benefit from active capacity management and flexible accounting options delivering public cloud economics. The DBaaS model makes costs predictable and easily allocated to business units, ensuring service quality and customer satisfaction.

The entry point for DDS is a unified, self-service portal with attribute-based options that simplify the service catalog. Workload optimization and showback based on resource utilization are integrated as part of the service.

The HCM Suite Integrates with Ansible to provide end-to-end automation and orchestration features for rapid database provisioning. Wipro ASPIRE delivers provisioning across any combination of bare-metal and virtual servers on converged infrastructure and hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI).

Integration with Nutanix Era enables management of database workloads hosted on Nutanix HCI. Era provides comprehensive automation for databases, including discovery, provisioning, patching, configuration, and deployment of clustered instances. It supports heterogeneous databases platforms like Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL and Postgres, to name a few.

Wipro DDS: Solution Benefits

With a foundation based on Nutanix HCI, the Acropolis Operating System (AOS), and Nutanix Era, Wipro DDS creates a DBaaS environment that enables your organization to:

  • Resolve the practical challenges that arise during Day Zero, Day One, and Day Two operations
  • Provide single-touch deployment based on certified reference architectures, validated configurations, and security and compliance best practices
  • Integrate flexibly with public cloud platforms and orchestration tools so you can leverage existing database and application development investments
  • Provision database environments at scale utilizing multiple server and database platforms
  • Provide better developer support, enabling teams to quickly and easily spin up high-performance database environments and streamlining dev/test
  • Accelerate service delivery and utilize containers for microservice-based deployments

Nutanix HCI: Infrastructure Platform for DBaaS

Nutanix Enterprise Cloud and AOS create a foundation for your DBaaS environment that is simple, scalable, and reliable. Nutanix significantly reduces silos, increases utilization, and enables operations to extend easily to the public cloud.

Performance without tuning. With data locality and intelligent tiering, Nutanix HCI delivers excellent database performance without constant performance tuning. It delivers excellent random read/write performance for transactional workloads and excellent sequential read/write performance (bandwidth) for streaming workloads such as data warehouses. A Nutanix cluster provides automatic performance optimization. AOS continually monitors data access patterns and optimizes data placement on the most appropriate storage tier (NVMe, flash, HDD if present), achieving good performance without constant tuning.

Simplified scaling. Scaling is simple, linear, and nondisruptive, eliminating the uncertainty that comes with capacity planning for traditional environments. New nodes can be added to a cluster to address scaling requirements. Different node configurations can be combined in the same cluster to address a range of needs.

Maximum Resilience. Self-healing resilience and automatic recovery from common failures helps ensure database availability, while built-in snapshot, replication, and cloning capabilities simplify data protection, DR, and data management tasks.

These capabilities result in a better infrastructure platform to address database needs.

Nutanix Era: One-Click Database Operations

Nutanix Era enables one-click simplicity and invisible operations for Wipro DDS, including database provisioning and lifecycle management (LCM). The API-first Nutanix Era architecture can easily integrate with other tools, and every operation can be fully audited.

Era makes it simple to keep database software up to date, reducing vulnerabilities. Era also makes it possible to provision, clone, and refresh databases to any point in time, and provides:

  • One-Click Provisioning. Create a standardized catalog of database services with uniform compute, network, and database parameter sizing. Era makes databases cloud-ready, enables mobility, and offers the ability to create instant clone copies.
  • One-Click Backup. Back up any size database in a full, database-consistent manner in just minutes with space and time-efficient database snapshots and one-click database snapshots.
  • One-Click Patching. Streamline software maintenance with immediate or scheduled updates for all provisioned database instances.
  • Copy Data Management. Capture all database states for any given service-level agreement (SLA). Create fully functional database copies, and quickly refresh existing copies.

Era drives efficiency, agility, cost-effectiveness, and scalability and provides full support for different production and dev/test use cases, making it a key element of the Wipro DBaaS solution.

Why Choose Wipro DDS?

Through its global scale, Wipro is able to deliver a hybrid cloud DBaaS solution with flexible financial models and customized designs. In the current Covid-19 scenario, Wipro has also worked out an offering that can take over client’s existing asset and convert that to an as-a-service variable model along with modernization with clear business case. By building on core Nutanix technology, Wipro DDS enables you to consolidate database workloads and manage database sprawl. DDS shifts your teams’ focus to one single metric: on-time database deployment. The graphic below illustrates how the combination of Wipro expertise and Nutanix technologies accelerates database provisioning, including migration when necessary:

As part of DDS, Wipro offers a full range of optimization, migration, platform development, and automation, and other services to meet your needs.

Find Out More

To find out more about Wipro DDS and other joint Nutanix and Wipro solutions, visit Wipro and Nutanix: Better Together. To set up a meeting or a workshop to discuss the Wipro DDS solution contact

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